Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Care Camp Weekend Event!

Camping is a great way to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. Children with cancer face stresses and challenges that few of us can imagine, so what better way to relax than a camping trip!

This month, we are celebrating and donating to the KOA Care Camps foundation, a charity created by KOA to take children with cancer camping across the United States. These Care Camps are staffed by volunteers, nurses, and medical personal who create a safe camping environment where the kids can build new friendships, embrace the great outdoors, and spend time making great memories. The full camping experience is also provided free of charge, as the donations and contributions from campgrounds and donors along with the efforts of volunteers cover all of the costs.

The KOA Care Camps not only provide a safe place to camp, they also strive to give kids the best camping experience ever. Activities like kayaking, shaving cream fights, and paint races take place alongside campground classics like telling stories around the campfire and making s'mores. The Care Camps foundation works to make children's wildest camping dreams come true year after year.

On the weekend of May 11-13th, we are giving campers Saturday night for $20, with all of the profits from those Saturday's going straight to Care Camps. All of the proceeds from our Charity Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning are also going directly to Care Camps. So join us this year in our support for KOA Care Camps and help kids with cancer just be kids for a weekend.

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